Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Effects vitamin deficiency d: reduce life expectancy, cancer and premature death

The Sun source Timeless vitamin d and if the level of vitamin in your blood is low, have thought had your do! 
Levels low vitamin d with many dangers health is, in addition, if you conditions serious such as breast cancer or prostate been diagnosed, survival your less than one who levels normal vitamin d is. 

Someone just not sure why levels low vitamin d negative impact on the health leaves. Although experts say that the recommended by medical institutions for daily use vitamin D. 600 units iu for men and women very low. 

Doctor Joel furman, author of safety excellent says: "Most favorable levels of vitamin d blood to reduce the risk your disease 28 42 nanograms the mill is. Lot of people to 2,000 units iu vitamin d3 a day need to the level of reach." He the levels of vitamin d by your doctor Czech to determine how much vitamin d be sure to level vitamin d your level favorable increase. 

How vitamin deficiency d can health damage lead and a few years of life reduce the more likely depressed you according to research Journal of psychiatry England on 31000 participant was done, people with low levels of vitamin d blood, more than twice as those who higher levels of vitamin d blood, depressed are. 

Hippocampus and the rest of the brain mental status of your sets, receptors vitamin d are so low levels of vitamin d can ability areas for normal operation, affect. 

Less likely to save find cancer you like to based on a study in the Journal of endocrinology and metabolism clinical published, cancer patients that at the time of diagnosis their higher levels of vitamin d they tend to longer life and courses recovery longer than those that have vitamin deficiency d are. Researchers found that 10 degrees increase in the level of vitamin d with 4 percent chance survival of cancer is. 

Highest this relationship in patients with lymphoma, colorectal cancer (coloni right intestinal) and breast cancer were found. According to the Journal of research anti-cancer, located in patients with breast cancer levels enough vitamin d of patients with vitamin deficiency d likely live Stay their to the 2 times more. 

More likely with prostate cancer active sure the research Journal of clinical research cancer risk of cancer active prostate men with vitamin deficiency January 4 to 5 times more. Although still, because it full unknown, but researchers say measurement vitamin deficiency d and modify it can be as essential part in the treatment of cancer be considered.

Risk more for developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease you like to according to a report of the Journal of Neurology, the risk dementia in adults medium with vitamin deficiency d were compared to normal individuals, 53 percent more risk those who lack of severe in the vitamin d were compared to normal individuals, 125 percent were more. Lack of nutrients also to 122 percent increase the risk to Alzheimer's disease is.

To better understand the relationship, research more is required, but researchers say you with aging you with the unlucky additional face will not only in the risk problems cognitive with you get, but performance your skin also become sunlight to vitamin d reduced that this is your own at higher risk for vitamin deficiency d offers.

Probability of infection you disease psoriatic arthritis increased 30% of patients who psoriasis Affected, to disease called psoriatic arthritis also have where the immune system to joints attacking and cause pain and inflammation is. According to the Journal treatment and research arthritis, a new study shown that to 62% of patients with psoriatic arthritis, values inadequate of vitamin d are. Study previous shown that values low vitamin d possibly through increased White blood cells blood may inflammatory conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, the worse do.

Probably the risk of heart disease more severe with you get the research in session annual scientific college of cardiology United States, the risk of developing coronary artery disease in people with vitamin deficiency d than ordinary people 32 was more. Also likely infection them in the form of severe disease that vessels many involve a, 20 percent were more.

According to the researchers vitamin d can safety performance better and inflammation in total body control which can reduce risk of heart disease in the body help. May pneumonia take University Finland East found risk pneumonia in the people who values of vitamin d little in the blood are more than two and a half is equal.

Study the States that vitamin deficiency d the immune system weak that risk diseases such as respiratory infections increases. Risk schizophrenia you more according to the Journal metabolism and endocrinology clinical likely detection skizu porridge in people with vitamin deficiency d were more than double the people that sufficient quantities of vitamin d in blood were.

Further research be sure to the role of vitamin d in mental health be specified. Vitamin deficiency d intensity advance multiple sclerosis increases according to recent research, small quantities of vitamin d risk the top of developing disorders neuromuscular such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Associated.
Now, a new study shows that if you are multiple sclerosis with you, vitamin deficiency d can rages and advance disease accelerate the report it in jama neurology come.

Researchers have found that patients in the early stages of multiple sclerosis that vitamin d enough, the probability create brain injury in 57 percent less likely Repulse in their 57 percent less than people with vitamin deficiency d is. According to the researchers diagnosis and treatment of vitamin deficiency d should be part of the treatment of patients that disease their newly diagnosed and can in fact, the effectiveness of treatment certain such as interferon beta 1 of (interferon beta-1b) to accelerate.

Probability of premature death and untimely you, more according to the analytical 32 study in the Journal of public health America released, people who vitamin d blood their low, compared to those that vitamin d enough, the probability of Death soon they, more.

Individuals with vitamin d less than 30 nanograms per milliliter blood greatest risk premature death to Any reason had [to those with high levels of 30 nanograms the mill]. Of course values more, always better not. Researchers no another advantage for those with high levels of 50 nanograms the mill, did not.

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